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What is Tumblr used for?

Tumblr is a short-form microblogging social media platform. It is host to more than 529 million blogs, which includes a variety of content such as fan fiction and art, memes, advice and more. In general, Tumblr is used to bring people of similar interests together. Tumblr is used for a variety of reasons and each user may have a different purpose.

Is Tumblr a social media platform?

Tumblr is a blogging platform with some social media-style features and focuses on sharing art, photos, audio, videos, and other media. This article explains Tumblr, how to sign up and what it costs, and how Tumblr compares to social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter). What Is Tumblr?

What is a Tumblr post?

Content posted on Tumblr is generally longer and richer than what is shared on some other sites. In this way, Tumblr is more like Blogger or Medium, more focused on creating a personal page. Tumblr posts can contain text, photos, video and audio, live-streamed content, and more.

Is Tumblr free?

Generally speaking, Tumblr is free. You can create your own blogs, read other people's posts, and generally use all of the key features of the platform without paying. For the most part, Tumblr is supported by ads, but there are a few paid features. Users can pay to remove ads from their experience.

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